Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths
Dive into the unknown and unusual where we analyze paranormal stories and determine whether or not you should find them believable. We discuss hauntings, conspiracies, urban legends, aliens, UFO abductions, and cryptids. New episodes every Tuesday.

Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
The Haunted Doll Head
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
It’s listener submission time again! This week we head to Oklahoma and discuss a potential attachment. It starts Stephen King-style with a group of friends heading into a sewer drain and finding a hanging, disturbing doll head. And it only gets creepier from there! Listen now.
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Remember, if you want YOUR personal paranormal experience told on the podcast, submit your encounter here:
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Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
The Terrifying Black Eyed Kids
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Welcome to a new episode of Believing the Bizarre! This week, we are… oh, hold on a second Someone is at the door. Huh, that was weird. It was this little kid, which isn’t that strange…but his eyes were completely black! Creepy, right? Well, that is exactly what we are talking about this week. Black Eyed Kids, also known as BEKs and Black Eyed Children are young kids - typically between the ages of 6 and 16 - that visit people’s homes and request to be let inside, or other favors. We dive into a handful of encounter stories and discuss what exactly these “children” could be. Listen now! Also, we love you Vermont! You can take a joke, right?
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Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Black Knight Satellite Quiz | Bonus Episode
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Bonus Quiz! We had plans to release a whole bunch of additional content this month (ahem...Patreon), but due to a few circumstances, we have to hold off until next month. However, we already recorded this quiz and didn't want it to go to waste. So, check out our Black Knight Satellite Quiz!
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Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
The Black Knight Satellite
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Another Tuesday and another Believing the Bizarre. This week, we trade in a narrative structure for a more speculative topic - The Black Knight Satellite. Ever since the early 1950s - before satellites were launched - we discovered a small, black object orbiting Earth. Not only that, but it has the ability to transmit radio signals. Could this early satellite be a prototype created covertly by a different country? Or could this be proof of alien life? Listen now!
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Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
The Los Angeles Shadow Figure
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Tuesday Mar 30, 2021
Let’s head to Los Angeles for another listener submission. This week, we go back in time to 2006 and follow our author, Georgie, her father, aunt, and grandmother in an East LA apartment. What starts off as a few odd signs, markings, and symbols turns into chaos, nightmares, and physical attacks. Can shadow people navigate different dimensions? Can they enter your dreams? Listen to the newest episode of Believing the Bizarre now.
Remember, if you want YOUR personal paranormal experience told on the podcast, submit your encounter here:
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Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Mysterious Staircases in the Woods
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Tuesday Mar 23, 2021
Join us on our path this week as we… no not up there! Not the staircase in the woods. Wait…why is there a staircase in the woods!? That is the mystery we are diving into this week. In the last couple of years, more and more very reliable folks on the interweb have described seeing odd, out-of-place staircases in pristine condition deep in the woods. Is this a fake story that people have been snowballing into existence or could these stairs be portals to another dimension? Listen now!
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Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
The Dyatlov Pass Incident
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Tuesday Mar 16, 2021
Grab a blanket and stay warm listening to this episode! This week, we discuss the Dyatlov Pass Incident. In 1959, a group of Russian hikers died in the Ural Mountains. Although they were an experienced hiking group, they died in incredibly unsure ways - leaving their tent in subzero temperatures, wearing minimal clothing. While some were victims of hypothermia, others experienced odd internal injuries, missing eyeballs, a missing tongue, and even hints of radiation. Could they truly have died due to the natural, arctic elements? Or was something more supernatural at play? Listen now!
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Friday Mar 12, 2021
Baker Mayfield’s UFO Experience
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
It’s BONUS EPISODE time! And what better way to celebrate a bonus episode and Tyler’s birthday than an episode talking about his favorite football team’s Quarterback - Baker Mayfield! However, it’s not just for the sake of talking about him (but if anyone wants to - hit us up!) but even cooler - Baker claimed on Twitter that he saw a UFO. This led to a ton of scrutiny, discussion, and breaking down information on UFOs in general. Listen now!
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Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
The Ghost in the Desert
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Tuesday Mar 09, 2021
Another Southwestern Listener Submission episode, and we are HERE FOR IT! In this episode, we discuss an incredibly new house, a new homeowner, and a pre-existing guest. Two sisters and their mother consistently see the spirit of a little girl in their home. Sometimes in their room, sometimes on the stairs. Is the little girl a trapped soul that is trying to make a connection with her house’s new inhabitants? Or is it something more sinister that is looking to harm those who are trespassing? Listen now!
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Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Legend of the Navajo Skinwalkers
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
In this episode of Believing the Bizarre, we talk about Tyler’s favorite cryptid: the skinwalker. A Navajo legend, Skinwalkers are evil witch doctors that commit heinous, taboo ritualistic acts to gain the ability to transform into animals. Skinwalkers often terrorize and cause feelings of absolute dread. We discuss more of the Skinwalker lore along with a few personal encounters.
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