Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths
Dive into the unknown and unusual where we analyze paranormal stories and determine whether or not you should find them believable. We discuss hauntings, conspiracies, urban legends, aliens, UFO abductions, and cryptids. New episodes every Tuesday.

Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Kelpies of the Highland
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
This week we travel to Scotland, and if you are traveling along a river and you see a horse…don’t touch that horse! It could be a Kelpie; a shape-shifting mythical creature that lures in human prey and attempts to get people to touch them so they can drown and eat them. Oh, and the only way to tell whether a horse is truly a horse or if it is a Kelpie is by trying to drown it…as a Kelpie cannot drown. Is this beginning to sound a little ridiculous? We know. And that’s just the beginning! Listen now.
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Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
The Phoenix in the Forest
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
Tuesday Feb 16, 2021
It is listener submission time again and this week we are traveling to the woods of Georgia. In this personal experience, we follow two best friends, Ian and Sam, as they encounter a dark, malicious entity in the woods behind Sam’s grandmother’s home. After losing the entity initially, the boys completely map out the woods in hopes of finding, and catching, this creature. Will their quest be successful or are they biting off more than they can chew? Listen now!
Remember, if you want YOUR personal paranormal experience told on the podcast, submit your encounter here:
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Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
The Conspiracy of Princess Diana’s Death
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Tuesday Feb 09, 2021
Let’s throwback the clock to 1997 and put our conspiracy hats on! This week, we discuss the death of Princess Diana. A tragic royal traffic accident led to a ton of scrutiny, nitpicking, and conspiracy talk. Was the driver drunk or was it a master plan? Was there a scandalous pregnancy that sealed Princess Diana’s demise? If this sounds a little like a soap opera, you’re absolutely right. And we can’t wait for you to listen!
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Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
The Hauntings of Suicide Forest
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
Tuesday Feb 02, 2021
*Tigger warning* For those that suffer from suicidal thoughts, tendencies, or have painful memories related to suicide, please do not listen to this episode if you are not comfortable with the topic of suicide. For all of those in need, the National Suicide Prevention Hotline is 800-273-8255.
This week, we take a step into the unknown and discuss Aokigahara, also known as Suicide Forest. With an estimated 500 suicides since the 1950s, Suicide Forest is one of the most popular destinations for people to tragically take their own lives. Combining that with the eerie, thick trees and hardened lava floor that promotes intense silence and the feeling of isolation, it can be a haunting location. But, is it truly haunted by Yurei - vengeful, lingering spirits that trick and lure visitors of Aokigahara to their doom? Listen now to find out.
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Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
The Hauntings of Bobby Mackey’s Music World
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
Tuesday Jan 26, 2021
This week we head on down to Kentucky and discuss Bobby Mackey's Music World. Considered the most haunted night club in America, Bobby Mackey's Music World has a dark past involving a slaughterhouse, Mafia transactions, death, exorcisms, and a bloody well that is considered a portal to Hell. That's quite an impressive list of haunting activity, but it is it enough to sway Tyler and Charlie to rank the venue as Believable? Listen now to find out!
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Friday Jan 22, 2021
The Children with the Caul
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
It’s Listener Submission time again! This episode takes place in Maryland and involves Priya and her two prophetic friends, Mick and Kelly. We talk about dreams, shadow figures looming over beds, ghost hunting, and terrifying demonic creatures in attics. You don’t want to miss this one! If you’d like your story told on Believing the Bizarre, submit your episode here:
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Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
The Existence of Nibiru aka Planet X
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
Tuesday Jan 19, 2021
What could be lurking out there in space, deep at the end of our solar system and tugging on our furthermost planets? Could it be a rogue planet floating around and waiting 3,600 years to pass Earth? This week we discuss Nibiru/Planet X. From wild conspiracies with ZetaTalk to the 2012 Mayan Calendar ending, there were many believers that Nibiru would pass by and end life on Earth. While it didn’t happen in 2003, 2012, or 2017, could Earth’s days be numbered? Listen to find out!
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Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Haunted Tales From Disney
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
What could possible be scary about the most magical place on Earth? Besides your wallet, apparently a lot. This episode we tackle Haunted Disney. Creepy and disturbing tales, urban legends, deaths, and experiences that span both Disney World and Disney Land. From Saying “hello” to George to a mysterious old man with a can, these stories are loaded. Also, just a PSA: Please do NOT spread your loved one’s ashes in any ride at Disney World. They don’t go to Heaven, they’re chilling with the Dirt Devil… on a vacuum bag!
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Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
The Legend of the Kushtaka
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
Tuesday Jan 05, 2021
This week we tackle the Legend of the Kushtaka - Tlingit lore that takes place around southern Alaska. This shape-shifting, otter-like creature has been terrorizing people for centuries. The most prominent encounter, occurring way back in 1900, comes from Harry Colp and his story, “The Strangest Story Ever Told,” involving his fellow prospector friend, Charlie (no relation to Believing the Bizarre co-host) and his horrifying experience at Thomas Bay. Could this Skinwalker-like creature be real or just an old wise tale to keep kids from wandering around at night? Listen now to find out!
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Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
The Kelly Hopkinsville Alien Encounter
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
Tuesday Dec 29, 2020
In 1955, between Kelly and Hopkinsville, Kentucky a bizarre encounter took place involving the Taylor and Sutton families and little green men. From backflipping aliens to cops ignoring green lights, this episode has it all. But was it all just hysteria and drugs? Or did they really witness small aliens creeping around their farmhouse? A few notes: it took Charlie approximately 15 tries to say “Hopkinsville” at the end and if anyone draws what this event would look like as a ballet, we will post it on our social media platforms.
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