Believing the Bizarre: Paranormal Conspiracies & Myths
Dive into the unknown and unusual where we analyze paranormal stories and determine whether or not you should find them believable. We discuss hauntings, conspiracies, urban legends, aliens, UFO abductions, and cryptids. New episodes every Tuesday.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
The Dover Demon
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
Tuesday Dec 22, 2020
We are back into the crpytid territory. Well, potentially! This week, we discuss The Dover Demon. Hailing from Dover, Massachusetts, this creepy little cryptid has a tiny body with a huge, bulbous head, long spindly arms and legs, big eyes, and is an orange-is color. We break down four sightings, four potential theories, and discuss whether or not The Dover Demon could be a cryptid, grey alien, or a baby moose.
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Friday Dec 18, 2020
The Scribner Hill Devil
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Wow! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a listener submission episode. We are glad to dive back into submitted paranormal stories and boy this is a great one. It has everything you could want - a cemetery, an urban legend, possession, and shadow figures. Centered around the Scriber Hill Devil, thank you to Martha for the submission and we hope you enjoy it!
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Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
The Hauntings of Ohio University
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
Tuesday Dec 15, 2020
All hands on deck! We have finally gotten spooky again. Well, we think so. Get out your pencils, notebooks, and pocketbook! We’re heading to college. In this homegrown episode from our home state, we break down the ghost stories surrounding Ohio University. We discuss haunted dorms, cuddling ghosts, mysterious deaths, and the Athens Lunatic Asylum (rough name, right?). But, is it a little odd that almost every single dorm at Ohio University has its own ghost stories? Find out if we find the hauntings of Ohio University believable or not! Spoiler alert: the real horror is tuition and room and board costs.
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Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Are Humans Naturally From Earth
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
Tuesday Dec 08, 2020
We tackle a crazy existential question - what if humans are not naturally from planet Earth? That’s absolutely crazy! We have to be from Earth, right? Well, when you start looking at some of the stark differences between humans and many other species, the contrasts begin to stack up. In this episode, we present 6 potential pieces of evidence as to why humans are not from Earth along with a couple of theories. Apple puts Believing the Bizarre in the “natural science” category, so this episode is for ya’ll! Also, we don't actually hate Detroit! Also also, we will get spooky again soon, we promise.
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Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
The Moon Landing Conspiracy
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
This week on Believing the Bizarre, we tackle a major conspiracy! The moon landing! Did we ever actually go to the moon? Of course we did, right? Or did we let our nationality and pride get the best of us? Did we fake the event with the help of famous director Stanley Kubrick? Things only get weirder from there. Dive into the unknown and the unusual with us and listen now!
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Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
The Jersey Devil Cryptid
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
This week, we tackle the heavily requested and popular cryptic, the Jersey Devil. Hailing from Pine Barren, NJ, The Jersey Devil is said to have the head of a goat/horse, leathery wings, clawed hands, and hooved feet. We discuss this cryptid’s origin stories, along with some of the more popular sightings, from Joseph Boneparte to the famous 1909 frenzy. The urban legend is incredibly popular and people swear on their lives that they have seen it, but could it just be mass hysteria and a proud locational relic? Listen now to find out!
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Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
While you have likely heard about the Lost Colony of Roanoke, you may not be updated on all of the theories surrounding this mysterious event. As a refresher, a group of 100+ people vanished without a trace on Roanoke Island in 1590. All that was left was the word "Croatoan" etched into a tree trunk. Could it have been a slaughter due to native Americans or cannibalism? Or perhaps a satanic ritual? Maybe even Aliens! Get your #2 pencils ready because there WILL be a quiz. Dive with us into the unknown and unusual as we decide what could have caused this mysterious event to have taken place.
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Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Resurrection Mary The Time Looping Ghost
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Tuesday Nov 10, 2020
Have you ever picked up a hitchhiker? What if the hitchhiker was a seemingly harmless young girl? It may not seem that creepy until you look over and she has disappeared! This week, we discuss the Chicago urban legend of Resurrection Mary. This story follows the tragic tale of Mary, who passed away due to a hit and run car accident in the 1930s and ever since has been hitchhiking only to disappear near Resurrection Cemetery, where she was supposedly buried.
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Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Bonus: The Haunted Helltown, Ohio
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
Saturday Nov 07, 2020
We decided to upload our LIVE Halloween special from Helltown, Ohio. The original location we planned on filming was closed, so we had to go off the beaten bath and up a trail to find a space, but it worked!
From ghost hearses and broken down school buses to mutant snakes and satanic cults, Helltown lives up to its reputation. It even influenced a town in the popular video game, Red Dead Redemption 2.
But, are the urban legends true or a bunch of nonsense? Find out on our first-ever live podcast! If you'd like to watch the accompanying video, head over to our Instagram!
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Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
The Multi-Universe and Parallel Dimension Theory
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Tuesday Nov 03, 2020
Whoa! A listener submission episode that is about… multi-universes!? That is right!
Welcome to Believing the Bizarre, where we dive into the unknown and unusual and tell you whether or not we find it believable. This week, we take a look at stories from Isaac and Nick, who both have had run-ins with potential parallel universes. Isaac experiences what he calls deizers, which is a combination of deja vu and seizers. In these moments, he witnesses small glimpses of what could be other universes colliding with our own. But what happens when his realty starts shifting and these episodes become more frequent?
Likewise, Nick had a terrifying experience where he was tired at the wheel late at night and crashed into a disabled car on the shoulder of the road…until he blinked and found himself 200 yards away from the vehicle. Are these experiences internal - the mind playing tricks? Or the external - truly multi-universes colliding?
Listen and discover our thoughts! Also, important note - Tyler was incredibly sleep-deprived during the week we recorded...if you can't tell!
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